Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A fresh start

At random times throughout my days I am struck with ideas about adventurous and exciting things I should do with my life. Sometimes it's as simple as jumping on top of a wall I'm walking past to break social norms. At other times it's a more complex idea prompting me to sit down and start writing a short story or book. And still other times it's something that requires a lot of time and effort, like running a marathon.

Although I try to act upon the ideas, too often I let the moment pass without action. That has caused me to wonder why so many people choose to live the day to day as though it's a routine, instead of a new adventure each day. I realize that we all have work, school, family, etc; nevertheless, why shouldn't we work with our lives that are so structured and change things up a bit at the same time.

Ever since I tried living a "raw diet lifestyle", I've wanted to try living that way again. What has held me back? I can blame it on social necessities, expenses are too much, time and convenience, etc. What it boils down to though is a simple lack of enough desire and willpower on my end. Now this "raw diet lifestyle" is an insignificant speck in my life, but it has the potential to represent a lifetime of missed opportunities to try something new and challenging, and could turn into one of many regrets due to lack of action.

Will all these words become my springboard to start living my ideas? YES. Even now I'm trying to procrastinate and justify in my mind saying, "well I can wait to post this until next week", or "No one will know whether or not I do this." ha ha

This marks the beginning of a new quest for me to experience life as I want to, and stop living in monotony!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Change and Park City

While rereading my first three posts, I couldn't help but think to myself "you little hypocrite!" For those who know me, they'd probably wont to vocalize a similar statement. With that in mind, I'd like to clear up some misconceptions. First, yes I do love eating healthy, and try my best to encourage others to do the same. This does not mean that I am a perfect eater. Yes I've had more than three pints of ice cream within the last 48hours by myself. And yes, I had a pie too in that time frame. Secondly, although I have great advice, I'm not always perfect at living it. That's human nature, and it's something I'm working on. Third and final point. Even when I post my opinion about something one day, don't assume my feelings are set in stone. My thoughts and feelings on various subjects are constantly shaping, reshaping, and sometimes being tossed out completely so I can start fresh. Please don't view this as hypocrisy, but rather an open mind.

On a different note, I'd like to publicly apologize for jogging up Park City's busy sidewalks today with my wonderful running friend. I recognize that my friend's beauty is breathtaking, and because of that those that we passed felt inadequate. I also recognize those individuals we jogged by who were eating unhealthy foods, sorry we made you feel self-conscious. Thank you Park City, for your gracious welcome to me as a newcomer, and for allowing me to look around while trying to feel superior to everyone else, even though I looked disgusting and smelt.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday Knight

As a single man in my early twenties, I always feel like a bit of a failure if Friday nights come around with no plans. When I say no plans, I don't mean that I'm friendless and alone, but who really wants to play Madden Football with a bunch of other guys who are single, on a night that's known for being the best of the week. Last night was one of those Friday nights that made me feel like a real man, not a weeny who sits around doing nothing at night. My date was gorgeous, conversation great, and never a boring minute!
Looking back on dates from my past, many have left me emotionally/socially drained. When I say that I don't mean I was feeling such chemistry that it was exhausting, but quite the opposite. More times then not, I feel like conversations are forced, chemistry isn't mixing well, and walls are put on by both parties because they mutually don't feel like giving the other person the courtesy of being themselves. What can we learn from this? If there's not a connection on a date, take the poor horse with the melon sized tumor around the barn and shoot the dang thing. Don't perpetuate these dates out of pity. Say that you're on your period and need to rest, or better yet, tell the truth! I harbor no bitterness about past dates, just confusion as to why so many are so sissy when it comes to telling someone that you're just not right for them.
Last nights date was great. There's my happy note to conclude with.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Natures Bounty

For three consecutive months I almost flawlessly lived a raw lifestyle. I felt amazing! The second week was the worst, I went through some type of withdrawal stage, but after that I craved only the pure goodness that mother earth so graciously gives us.

Why did I stop? At the time I was serving a two year mission for the LDS church, and only eating raw food was a very difficult thing to manage. Almost a year and a half has transpired since my return to regular life, and yet the will power to go back to that way of life has not come to me...darn baked goods.

Putting this seemingly insignificant information out there is my way of working up the courage to begin again. I hope that whomever might come across this, even if it is with bleary eyes because you cannot sleep, will at least come away from this post with a renewed desire to eat simple wholesome foods.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Name

As this is my first blog, the name seems vital to me. I thought about my personality, obviously the personality that exists in the most ideal circumstances. A few titles came to me, but they were either too artsy, boring, or cliche. Being unoriginal, and not falling into stereotypes is important to me, which may in fact lead to unoriginality, which means I'm basically screwed in coming up with a name. By the good graces in my life though, I had a distraction that inspired me.

Laundry had to be changed from washer to dryer despite my desire to not move until I came up with a name. As I was walking out of my apartment, I see one of my roommates sitting on the sofa, enjoying a morning show. Upon a second glance though, my inner heart full of sarcasm burst with joy as my steady gaze fell upon his woeful sweater. Because he knows me, and registers the smile creeping up on my face, he braces himself and tries to beat me to my comment. As a practiced individual though, I have the quicker draw.

Upon returning to the computer, the name materialized. Comedic relief always does the trick.