Sunday, December 13, 2009

Natures Bounty

For three consecutive months I almost flawlessly lived a raw lifestyle. I felt amazing! The second week was the worst, I went through some type of withdrawal stage, but after that I craved only the pure goodness that mother earth so graciously gives us.

Why did I stop? At the time I was serving a two year mission for the LDS church, and only eating raw food was a very difficult thing to manage. Almost a year and a half has transpired since my return to regular life, and yet the will power to go back to that way of life has not come to me...darn baked goods.

Putting this seemingly insignificant information out there is my way of working up the courage to begin again. I hope that whomever might come across this, even if it is with bleary eyes because you cannot sleep, will at least come away from this post with a renewed desire to eat simple wholesome foods.

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