Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A fresh start

At random times throughout my days I am struck with ideas about adventurous and exciting things I should do with my life. Sometimes it's as simple as jumping on top of a wall I'm walking past to break social norms. At other times it's a more complex idea prompting me to sit down and start writing a short story or book. And still other times it's something that requires a lot of time and effort, like running a marathon.

Although I try to act upon the ideas, too often I let the moment pass without action. That has caused me to wonder why so many people choose to live the day to day as though it's a routine, instead of a new adventure each day. I realize that we all have work, school, family, etc; nevertheless, why shouldn't we work with our lives that are so structured and change things up a bit at the same time.

Ever since I tried living a "raw diet lifestyle", I've wanted to try living that way again. What has held me back? I can blame it on social necessities, expenses are too much, time and convenience, etc. What it boils down to though is a simple lack of enough desire and willpower on my end. Now this "raw diet lifestyle" is an insignificant speck in my life, but it has the potential to represent a lifetime of missed opportunities to try something new and challenging, and could turn into one of many regrets due to lack of action.

Will all these words become my springboard to start living my ideas? YES. Even now I'm trying to procrastinate and justify in my mind saying, "well I can wait to post this until next week", or "No one will know whether or not I do this." ha ha

This marks the beginning of a new quest for me to experience life as I want to, and stop living in monotony!

1 comment:

  1. I should really run a half marathon. And attend the temple weekly. And write more music. And be nicer to myself. And be less rough around the edges. You've made me think!
