Saturday, April 10, 2010

Change and Park City

While rereading my first three posts, I couldn't help but think to myself "you little hypocrite!" For those who know me, they'd probably wont to vocalize a similar statement. With that in mind, I'd like to clear up some misconceptions. First, yes I do love eating healthy, and try my best to encourage others to do the same. This does not mean that I am a perfect eater. Yes I've had more than three pints of ice cream within the last 48hours by myself. And yes, I had a pie too in that time frame. Secondly, although I have great advice, I'm not always perfect at living it. That's human nature, and it's something I'm working on. Third and final point. Even when I post my opinion about something one day, don't assume my feelings are set in stone. My thoughts and feelings on various subjects are constantly shaping, reshaping, and sometimes being tossed out completely so I can start fresh. Please don't view this as hypocrisy, but rather an open mind.

On a different note, I'd like to publicly apologize for jogging up Park City's busy sidewalks today with my wonderful running friend. I recognize that my friend's beauty is breathtaking, and because of that those that we passed felt inadequate. I also recognize those individuals we jogged by who were eating unhealthy foods, sorry we made you feel self-conscious. Thank you Park City, for your gracious welcome to me as a newcomer, and for allowing me to look around while trying to feel superior to everyone else, even though I looked disgusting and smelt.

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